Thursday, December 8, 2011

Monica's Book Review

Title: Loser
Author: Jerry Spinelli
Publisher: Scholastic
Place and year of publication: New York , NY 2002
Number of pages: 218
Where I found the book: School Library

This book takes place in a small American town around Cleveland, a few years ago. Its title "Loser" reflects the name that Donald Zinkoff was known as when he was in school. He was very unique and different from most students. He was full of energy and curiosity. All he ever wanted was to be a mailman,and follow in his Dad's footsteps.

Growing up is a theme that I see in the book,as Donald went through grades one to three. He became very fond of school , even though he was an average student. He never was popular,or had many friends . But , as Donald started grades four and five things went down hill. His peers started to call him " Loser" because of how clumsy and different he was from everybody else. Things continued that way until he started grade six. Bullying and being unwanted just became part of Donald's life. They became a part of him,and he refused to tell his parents or change anything about it. In his classmates eyes,he was just another kid on the playground. He was just there,but no one really knew him,or noticed him. Worst of all, no one tried to see him for who he was. An outrageous kid that never lost hope. A kid that never let humiliation or anything destroy him for good.

When Donald starts sixth grade,everything changes. He becomes more of a grown up. He outgrows a lot of beliefs and adjusts to starting a new chapter in his life. But then comes an event that changes the eyes that see Donald. One night , Donald's friend Claudia disappears. He looks for the little girl during a snowstorm for seven hours. Does he find Claudia?To know the answer you must read the book. If you don't then you are a loser !

Christian Perspective

In my opinion,this book is written in a Christian perspective. The book displays examples of good character. As a Christian,I would say that in the book the concept of laying down your life for others is evident when Donald endangers his own life for Claudia. I think that what Donald did symbolizes what Christ did for us. It also shows how we can bless others around us no matter what happens.

My Thoughts

In my perspective,this is a great book. It deals with a lot of daily life problems. I really enjoy reading about how Donald interacted with others around him, and how his character developed throughout the book. I chose this book because a friend recommended it to me. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about everyday life and growing up in a new perspective.


  1. Monica, good job on your book review. your book review was very descriptive and gives you an idea on what's going on in this book.

  2. Great job Monica! I love how you capture the audience be giving enough detail to engage the reader, but then leave them hanging without giving away the ending. I actually want to read this book now; and according to you, I better read it, or else I am a loser!
