Thursday, December 15, 2011


Book review

Book two: The climb
Author: Gordon korman
Publisher: Scholastic
Published in 2002

The reason why they call this book Everest is because there are four kids, doctors, legendary climbers of Everest climb. Four teens named Sammi, Tilt, Dominic, and Perry and the doctors and legendary climbers where Dr. Oberman and Dr. Drake and the climbers are Cap, and Ethan. This story starts when where on a plane coming to a city called Kathmandu, then they got hotel rooms and free time to play. Then they were driving to a special camp for training but they have to reach the camp slowly because there is a sickness called HAPE is when the air gets to thin and you can hardly breathe and you can die or get very sick but what these teens don’t know is that this isn’t just a goal but for one of them this is the last resting place. On the way to Base camp Dominic was struck by an illness called HAPE and he and Dr. Oberman had to stay back while the rest of the team go to base camp. In base camp same members of the expedition meet the great legendary Ethan Zaph who next climb is to climb Mount Everest with NO OXYGEN TANK. When Dominic and Dr. Oberman where in the town waiting for his sickness to heal Dominic was getting use to thin air and he began To start healing then when finally healed he was used to the thin air so when they climb a mountain he doesn’t need to wear a gas mask. And when Dominic and Dr. Oberman finally meet up with the rest of the expedition so meet and played and slept there in camp one. But after some time one expedition went and the great Ethan finally gave up and collapsed and pasang passed out and they got stuck so a rescue was planned and the summit was cancelled and Sneezy, cap, Dominic went to help them they finally found them and helped them after so much confusion. Near to the end Dominic makes a choice the saves nesters and his life the great Ethan did not believe that Dominic a thirteen year old can do it but he did. They still were stuck on the mountain and the only way down was to slide, down but then everything goes extremely wrong and Nester or Dominic almost die, but then who ever fell was found and he was extremely injured but he was alive after that. Everyone even Ethan believed that Dominic can do it. But soon they heard on the radio then there’s a fifty-fifty chance of climbing due to weather conditions.

My thoughts
My thoughts on this book is it’s an amazing book because when I started read it was boring but then it start to get interesting and interesting so read more and more and I like it and also a little spoiler alert is my next book review is on Everest book three also my friend Nayer is doing a book review on Everest book one the contest so check his book review guys. This book is great recommendation this to people who like exploring. I chose this book because I had no other book that I liked to read and because it was short, but when I finished the book I loved it, and it series it is really an amazing book.

Christian perspective
This book has a unique Christian perspective in it because it does not talk about what God wants us to do, but these four teens have very good characteristics like Dominic put his friends life in front of his. But at the same time there are those who have very bad characteristics like Tilt who cared about the summit more than his friends lives and called his leader Cap a moron for stopping the summit and helping the other expedition when they were in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a book full of adventure. I'm glad to see that even though you didn't think you would enjoy the book, that it captured your attention as you read through it. A lot of books are like that. First impressions are not always correct.
