Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chasing The Falconers

Title: Chasing The Falconers
Author: Gordon Korman
Publisher: Scholastic
Place & Year of Publication: New York, April 2005
Number of Pages: 154
Where I Found the Book: CHS Library

Story review

The books name is Chasing the falconers. The main characters are Aiden and Meg Falconers and Miguel Reyes. Aiden and Meg are siblings and they meet Miguel during the escape and go on the run together. The setting of this book takes place in Sunnydale but since throughout the book they are on the run so the setting changes. While they were on the run they go through Vermont and Nebraska. The Theme of this book is adventurous because they are always on a adventure. It's called Chasing the Falconers because the Falconers are on the run and the FBI are chasing them

Aiden and Meg Falconers are at a juvenile detention farm called Sunnydale and their parents are in jail for life for something they didn't do. Aiden and Meg think that they can prove there parents are innocent. They live their whole lives not being able to talk to their family. An accidental fire happens at Sunnydale farm, during the fire Aiden and Meg make escape. There mission was to find frank lindenauer and prove their parents are innocent.

While they were on the run they meet Miguel. Miguel was accused of manslaughter because he pushed his (possibly abusive) stepfather down the stairs. It is unknown whether it was accidentally or purposely. When they reach there destination which is Vermont everyone didn't like them so one guy comes and attacks he shoots Miguel. So Aiden and Meg call 911 and make a run. They steal a ATV and drive into the forest. When the cops came they took Miguel to the hospital.

Christian Perspective

In my opinion I think this book was written from a christian perspective because It mention them praying a couple times. The characters is this book were not afraid to give their life for each other. Even though Aiden and Miguel were not siblings they were like brothers. They have such a deep love that one time in the book Miguel takes a bullet for Aiden.

My Thoughts

In my opinion this book was amazing. It is action filled and it really takes you through on a adventure. I really enjoyed reading this book. I chose this book because it stood out the most from all of the other books. I recommend this book to people who like adventurous and action filled books especially to people who have a big imagination.


  1. Great book review Josh. I like how you make the connection between how Aiden and Miguel reflect Christ's love in their circumstances by willing to stand in harms way for each other. Sounds action packed.

  2. wats their parents name
