Tuesday, December 20, 2011

animal farm

Title: animal farm
Author: George Orwell
Publisher: penguin books
Place and year of publication: Irland 1951
Number of pages: 122
Where you found it: at my house

The story begins where the oldest pig on the farm, Old Major has a dream. He then calls a meeting to tell all the animals about it.The name of the farm was: Manor Farm. He said he had a dream about a rebellion were the animals would take over and all humans will be expelled from the farm. Three days after the meeting  he died and was buried under a tree in the orchard. The animals rebelled and  expelled Mr. Jones (the farmer) and his men from the farm and changed the name to “Animal Farm”. After the pigs took charge, the smartest two Snowball and Napoleon becomes the leaders, but they hate each other. As the farm starts to prosper, the pigs became even more selfish taking larger ration than the others animals. Snowball still wanted everybody to be equal. Not long after that Napoleon used his trained fierce dogs to expel Snowball from the farm and with this a couple of communistic themes appear for example:
  •  Totalitarianism
  •  They used  intelligence and education as tools of oppression
  •  Propaganda
  •  Violence and terror as means of control

Napoleon and the other pigs are corrupted by the absolute power they hold over the farm. Eventually the animal laws were replaced by their favorite slogan: All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”,and “Four legs good, two legs better!”as the pigs become more human.
The book was rejected by 4 publishers before it was published on 17 August 1945 in England the reason for this was that it reflects events leading up to and during the Stalin era before World War II. Orwell was a strong critic of Stalinism.
Christian Perspective
This book is written from a political perspective in the form of a fable.
The characters in the book didn’t act in a Christian way, but in a communistic way.
The writer couldn’t change the way the characters acted, because it would change the meaning of the book and he wanted to expose communism for what it was.
I don’t agree with communism and it is far from Christianity.
What I think of the book and to whom I would recommend it.
I think animal farm is a brilliant book. And a perfect explanation of communism.
This book is directly aimed at Russia and countries like  China. I like the book, because it shows that communism starts with small things that becomes bigger and more noticeable with time.
I would recommend this book to any one that likes politics and the way communism and other government structures work.


  1. Great job Iwan! I really enjoyed this book as well when I read it at your age. It was phenomenal how George Orwell could represent how government and communism starts as a good thing, but can quickly corrupt those in power. If you enjoyed this book, you will also enjoy another political novel by the same author titled "1984".

  2. Iwan, your report is concise, and informative. It really is amazing what the author was able to convey in just 122 pages. I encourage you to keep writing, you have great skills.
