Thursday, December 8, 2011

City of Stars

City Of Stars

Author: Mary Hoffman

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Place and year of publication: Great Brittan in 2003

Number of pages: 553

Where I found the book: Brandon Public Library

Book Review

Georgia is a 15 year old girl who loves horses. Her mother got remarried and she hates her mean stepbrother, Russell.

Georgia buys a little glass winged horse from an antique shop. What she doesn’t know is that has the power to take her to a whole different time. One night the horse takes her to 16th century Remora where Cesares favorite horse, Starlite, gives birth to a little black winged horse.

In Remora horse racing is a big deal. And everyone knows that a winged horse is the fastest of all horses. And since a winged horse only is born every 100 years everyone wants to get their hands on black winged horse, who they named “Merla” which means “Blackbird”. Now Cesare and Georgia must protect Merla and train her for the big race.

The title “City of Stars” refers to Remora which has lots of lights. Remorian people also depend on the stars to show them the way.

Christian Perspective

I don’t think this book is a Christian book because there is lots of fighting and people keep trying to steal Merla. I think they could have dealt with problems a better way. The author, Mary Hoffman, is a Christian but I don’t think the book is. One person in the book is a Christian but he is not a main character. He is Mr. Goldsmith and he is the one who sells Georgia the glass horse. If the book were a Christian book they would pray that nothing would happen to Merla. They would also pray that Merla would be strong enough to win the race.

My thoughts

I really liked this book. I chose it because I love horses and fantasy and this has both! The book did get a little boring sometimes, but only before something big happened. This was a very good book. It was suspenseful and thrilling, but it was also happy and had some relaxing parts as well. I could really picture everything in the book. The author did a good job at describing everything. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy, animals, and long books.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this book sounds interesting. The author must have a great imagination, and be able to convey what she is imagining in a way that captures her audience. I like that even though you enjoyed the book, you were honest about being bored at times in the slow parts. It gives us, as readers of the book review, an idea of what to expect if we chose to read "City of Stars".
