Thursday, June 14, 2012

Title no talking 
Author Andrew Clements 
Place and year Publication  New York  2007
Number of pages  146 
Where you found the book Christian Heritage  library 

Dave was in the middle of class. He was not talking because he wanted to see if he could not talk like Gandhi.  Gandhi  was the Indian man that drove the British army not by weapons but by words.
Dave had to present a social studies project but he couldn't but he couldn't talk at all so he coughed and his partner Lynsey looked at him weird.

Then the lunch bell range. It was time to eat
They all went for lunch. It was loud and Dave was quit. Still it was lunch time and Lynsey went on and on about her sweatier.He couldn't take it anymore and if you had to shout up for five minutes i bet your whole head would explode.
After that the argued and made a contest of not talking boys against girls. These are the rules they could only say three words.That was only for the teachers.If  they went home they couldn't talk.If they did they would have to tell the opposite team leader.

The principle was getting ready for the kids to come but when she came in it was dead silence.
She was surprised.She couldn't figure out why.In class they were all talking in three letter words. Lindsey and Dave were sending notes in class and the teacher caught them.She figured out what they were doing bu
she didn't tell the other teachers she wanted the other teacher  to find it out for there self.
In science class they talked in only three letter words. She didn't  like it because it longer for class to finish.
After a couple of classes all the teacher knew what was happening some of the teachers liked it others didn't
The principle decide to have a meeting. Then the next day they got all the kids to the Assembly and the principle told them to stop talking  they said okay.After that they went to math class but they still were talking in three letter words the teacher didn't care because they writ ting it on the board and they started to understand it so she didn't care.

After a couple of days the principle got made and she tried to make the children talk at lunch time she was being a big bully.At lunch she told Dave to get up and she shouted get up and talk.Dave got up and shouted this is our lunch  time if we don't want to talk we don't have to.After a little while a little while the principle called Dave to the principles office.WHAT

Christian perspective 

In the end they got along thought this book has lot of categorise between boy and girls. 
I think that they are all even one is not better than  the other.
In the end they thought of each other in a good way and positive way so they don't hate each other they care more and realise there all equal.

My thoughts 
This book is okay. I wouldn't normally read this kind of book i would read drama book but 
this is a good book to.I would recommend this book to someone who likes boring school book and friendship.

1 comment:

  1. Great summary of the book Lidya! It sounds like the students had a lot of power by not talking. It also sounds like the principle needed some help dealing with the "problem" of no talking. Do you think the kids learned better or worse once they started the no talking game?
