Thursday, June 14, 2012

Escape from the Island of Aquarius

Title: Escape from the Island of Aquarius

Author: Frank Peretti

Publisher: Crossway books

Place of publication: United States of America

Year of publication: 1986

Number of pages: 160

Where I found the book: Christian heritage school library


In this book the main characters are Jay, Lila, Dr. Cooper, Adam Mackenzie, and kelno. This book takes place in the island Aquarius but the time of when this took place is not specified. This all starts when Adam Mackenzie (a missionary that is part of the international missionary alliance) has not been heard of for a while until there is a dead body found on a raft carrying a note written by Mackenzie. So the missionary alliance sends Dr.Cooper along with his kid’s Jay and Lila to look for Adam Mackenzie. This book takes place in the Island Aquarius but the time of when this happened is not specified. The theme of this book is always kept fighting for what you believe in and it ok to share your opinion even if it’s different.

When the coopers reach the Island of Aquarius they find a very civilized village, led by Adam Mackenzie, with nice houses and electricity.  All of the villagers  used to live in big countries with normal jobs and all share the same dream which is to start their own new world. Dr. Cooper then starts to realize that Adam Mackenzie is no longer a man of God because he doesn’t have church, teaches that  Jesus came to save us from ignorance, and believes in evils forces, spirit’s, and curses. As the Coopers were leaving the island Mackenzie finds them on sacred ground and thinks they were cursed. The Coopers were now put in a hut which was used as a jail. As the Coopers escape they are found again by Mackenzie and Mackenzie decides to send Lila to be used as a sacrifice to the island and puts Jay and Dr. Cooper in a whirlpool of water.

 The whirlpool of water led Jay and Dr. Cooper to cave underground with the real Adam Mackenzie. The real Adam Mackenzie explains to Jay and Dr. Cooper that the guy they thought was the Mackenzie was actually named kelno. Adam was kicked out of the village by kelno and lived in the cave for a year. In that year spent in the cave Adam was building boats to prepare for the day the Island would sink. Dr. Cooper and jay realized the island was sinking so they had to act fast to save Lila. But what they didn’t know was that Lila was already saved by a big Polynesian guy named Candle. Jay, Adam, and Dr. Cooper try to go and save all the village people and bring them to the two boats left on the Island before it sinks. But the villagers make it to the boats only to find out that the water is too high to leave the cave. Lila gets an idea to set off bombs in the cave to lower the water level which does work. While Lila was doing that, Adam talked to each single person on the Boat about Jesus just in case they all died. Lila then became the hero because she saved all the people on the boat and everyone makes it out of the Island  safe except Kelno.

Christian Perspective

This book is definitely written from a Christian perspective. The cooper’s Christian belief was really strong and there wasn’t any moments were they doubted God. They never lost faith in Him and always remembered that they are children of God. When they were jailed by Kelno all they did was pray. Dr. Cooper talks to kelno about how God’s power is amazing and stronger than Satan’s power which was what kelno believed in. If I was in Dr. Cooper’s shoes I would be a bit doubtful and scared. When Dr. Cooper believed that Kelno killed his daughter he was planning on revenge but he backs off and realizes that he belongs to God and ended up not harming Kelno. If I was in Dr. Cooper shoes I would not have the strength to control myself the way he did. Also it talks about how Adam Mackenzie would pray every day for the village people and how he forgives people who have wronged him.

My Thoughts

The reason I chose this Book was because our E.L.A teacher recommend it to me. I am the type of person who judges books by its cover and I thought this book was going to be boring but it wasn’t too bad. The language the author used was tough to understand at times. I felt as if the book forever to read but maybe that’s because the book start to get interesting around pages 95 and over. I like this book because it was my first time reading a fiction book by a Christian author so I liked to see how the author would bring a Christian perspective into this book. What I dislike about this book had nothing to do with the story itself I just didn’t like how the author wrote it. I found the book boring in the beginning which made me want to put down the book and stop but in the end it got really interesting. I would recommend this book too people interested adventurous books with lots of action and bit of drama because it gives you an equal dose of both.    

1 comment:

  1. Your summary brought back memories for me. I really loved this series when I was in junior high (yes, I really was your age once) and I'm glad that you stuck with it and enjoyed the end of the book. Good job with a half hour to spare!
