Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Title: Spy Smuggler
Author: Jim Eldridge
Publisher: Scholastic Canada
Place of Publication: Canada
Year of Publication: 2007
Number of Pages: 192 Pages
Where I found the book : Christian Heritage School Library

Story Review
This book is called Spy Smuggler because it is about a boy named Paul Lelaud who helped smuggle a spy into and out of France. This took place from 1942-1944 and was based in France in a town named Chinon. The main characters in this book are Paul Lelaud, Paul’s mother,and Paul’s uncle Maurice. The problem in this book is that the German army had occupied their town, Chinon and they have had their freedom ripped away. So Paul’s uncle Maurice brought him into a group called the Resistance, the Resistance does secret things that go against the Germans and smuggle stuff in and out of the country without the Germans finding out. So Paul joined the Resistance group and he helped bring a British spy into France. The spy found a German general that wanted to help the British so they needed a plan to get the general back to Britain so they made a plan which used two planes one was a decoy that was used to fool the Germans the next was landing in a different place and that was the plane that was picking up the spy and general. In the end the plan worked and the spy and the general got safely back to Britain and the general helped Britain quite a bit. One of the important events were when a group called the Maquis who fights for the same cause as the Resistance but instead of keeping a low profile they attack Germans and kill them, the Maquis killed three Germans soldiers and the sheriff. The Germans killed five civilians for every one soldier killed this made the people in Chinon very angry at the Maquis. The theme of this book is working together to reach their goals because all the people worked together to drive the Germans out of Chinon.

Christian perspective
I do not think that this book was written from a Christian Perspective but there are some Christ like things in this book like the people all work together to free France. There are also some non Christ like things in this book like people are always lying to each other to the point you don't know if their lying or telling the truth. People also betray each other in this book but all the lying and betraying was to keep undercover so no one finds out but that doesn't make it right.
My Thoughts
I chose this book because I like reading books that are about people who fought in the war or were involved in the war in some ways. I liked the book because it was very interesting and you never knew if the people were going to get caught or get away and it was based on a true story so that is another reason I liked it because I like realistic fiction books or books that are based on a true story. I would recommend this book to the people who like books that are based on a true story and books about people that helped the war effort.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like an action packed book Joel. War often brings people together in ways that wouldn't normally happen; just like in Chinon. Working together reflects the unity of Christ. It's just too bad that often these good things have to happen under the worst of human circumstance, war.
