Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Gift of Sky

Title: A Gift of  Sky
Author: Linda Ghan
Publisher: Western Producer Prairie Books
Date of Publication: Saskatchewon, Novemeber 1988
Number of Pages: 183
Where I found the book: My room

Story Review:
Imagine... going to a new school and not knowing anybody and getting teased by all the "big" kids. Well this is what a girl named Sara had to go through all of elementry school and some of middle school. Before school started, Sara was learning the valuable lessons in life and her love for God. She lived with her Mama (grandma) and her Pa (grandpa). They lived in the prairies of Saskatchewon, Canada. Every Sunday, Sara and her grandparents would go to church and sing out to the Lord. But then came the day for school. Sara was so excited because she did want to make friends and bring them out to her farm. The school was one building from kindergarden all the way to grade 12. The school was fairly big, but still squishy. On her first day, Sara sat beside a girl named Beth. Beth told Sara things that were not called for and made Sara uncomfortable. Beth also cheated off her, and lied to the teacher what Sara supposally did. As Sara got into middle school, her and Beth became friends. Not close friends, or not enemies. Sara said that Beth had changed a lot since she started taking her to church. Sara always believed in Beth and saw deep down that there was a good person. After high school, Sara packs her bags and heads off to college for a teaching degree. Sara got married and had kids. She always went  to Saskatchewon in the summer and visited her Mama, Pa, and Beth. The significant to the title is just a girl learning about life and has dreams like anybody else.

Christian Perspective:
Obviously this is a Christian because she goes to church and all that. When she did get bullied or teased, she did go to the Lord to make it stop, and eventually it did and she became friends with them. The author (Linda Ghan) is a Christian and writes Christian novels like this one. This book is just such a well written book with lots of faith used un it.

My Thoughts:
I really liked this book because i could somewhat connect to this book (getting bullied part) and see how she reacted to situationslike that. I found it so cute how everytime she made a mistake, she would pray and say "Dear Jesus, please forgive me, i'm only little and i dont quite understand" . I would recommend this book to anybody who wants to achieve in life and never to give up. I chose this book because it has always been on my bookshelf and i've never read it yet.


  1. Great book review Denika! I think we can all somewhat relate to the situation Sara was in. It sounds like this book helped you learn a lot about how to deal with bulling! Sara kept moving forward and didn't give up or get depressed about the fact that she was bullied, which shows her strong faith that we should all have!Keep it up!

  2. Bullying is probably the toughest part of being young. As hard as it may be for you to believe, I too was bullied. I think all people, no matter who they are, will face bullying at one time or another. I like that even though this was a novel, it gave you insight in to how to handle bullies. Remember, usually bullies are not trying to hurt you because they don't like you. They are usually hurting you because they don't like themselves and feel like nobody else likes them either. If they can make others feel bad, then they often don't feel so bad themselves. Definitely not the right thing to do, but I think if we can see people who bully in this light, it will change our response from anger and revenge to compassion.
