Monday, January 23, 2012

Survival Paragraph

Hope is the flame inside us, flickering brave and bright. Even when our whole world is utter darkness. It has been said that one can go four days without water, a week without food, but not one minute without hope. Without hope, there is no hunger to live, no want to be alive, no chance of survival.
I know that Brian was afraid living in the wilderness alone, but he still had hope that someone would find him, hope that he would live. When Brian heard that simple beautiful hum, he had more hope than ever before. He could see himself with his father, crunching on sweet juicy corn laughing together. That's when his heart stopped, only for a second, then pounded harder and faster, as if it were about to explode. The plane was gone, more inportantly, so was his hope. Hope is a gift from the Lord, but it is up to us to hold on to it. If someone is in a desert, with no water and no hope, he will die. Hoever, if someone is in a desert without water, but still has hope, they will look for water. They will live until their bodies die, but the hope never dies out. The flame still flickers bright.

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