Saturday, January 21, 2012

E.L.A Paragraph

The most important component of surviving alone is hope because if you dont have it, you won't see a point to carry on. You can have enough food and water and knowledge, but all that doesn't matter if you don't hope because you have to believe that there is something worth fighting for and that something better is going to come along. In the Hatchet, when Bryan was working on making a bow and arrow he suddenly heard the roaring of a plane. He ran as fast as he could until he got back to his campsite, then he rushed to make a fire and get the smoke going. When he realized that the roaring was getting softer and softer until he couldn't hear it anymore, he felt like there was no point to carry on because no one was coming for him. So he tried to kill himself, but then he realized that he had to have hope and he had to keep going. In the end he got rescued! And in the movie Castaway, Chuck got stranded on the island for 4 years! But even after he tried to kill himself, and his best friend being a volleyball, he never gave up! He made a raft and went out to sea to find a boat or land, and in the end he got rescued too!

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