Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Heroes Don't Run

Title: Heroes Don’t Run

Author: Harry Mazer

Publisher: Scholastic printing

Year of publication: September 2005

Place of publication: printed in U.S.A

Number of pages: 116

Where I found the book: Christian heritage library

Story review

This book is about a boy named Adam Pelko who was too young to join the military, so his grandpa signed a paper that allowed him to join. Then he went on a train that brought him to boot camp, where he spent the next seven months training to be in the military. Then after his military training he went to an island called Okinawa, where he was in combat with the Japanese soldiers. Then one day he was fighting in a shell hole and a mortar exploded above him and his commander, which sent them flying into the ground. Then he was in the hospital he had a broken leg and a concussion and if his commander didn’t land on him, he would have also died. I think the title is Heroes Don’t Run because even though he thought he would die he still joined the military because it was the right thing to do.

Christian Perspective

It is not a very Christ like book because their always talking down to one another and swearing. Sometimes they encourage and help one another, but not most of the time. It is very descriptive, in some ways good and other times bad.

My thoughts

I really liked this book because I love studying about the world wars. It was one of the few books I liked, because it was full of action and it was about World War 2. I would recommend this book to anyone who is into studying the World Wars.


Realistic Fiction

October 26, 2011


  1. This sounds like a great book about doing what's right, even though what may happen may be unknown or scary. Even though the book wasn't written from a Christian perspective, I would like to hear more about how the main character could have acted in a Christ like manner in his situation. Good job Joel!

  2. so, good job on ur book review

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Joel wrote that he got on my acount
