Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Emnet’s Book Report,October 26,2011-The total tragedy of a girl named hamlet


Title: The total tragedy of a girl named hamlet

Author: By Erin Dionne.

Publisher: penguin group.

Place and year of publication: February 4th 2010 (first published October 23rd 2009) in New York.

Number of pages: 290 pages, hardcover.

Where I found the book: school library.

Story review

Hamlet Kennedy just wants to be your average happy eighth grader, But with parents who are Shakespeare scholars who show up to school wearing customs,dresses, like they are living in the sixteenth century, it’s impossible. But it doesn't get any better because one day they decide that her genius seven year old sister should Rockne’ the HOHO art and music wing, because she is too young for high school.

And on the first day of school when hamlet gets to her English class, her teacher tells the class that history and English are blocked this semester, because they are going to use those class to do A MIDSUMMER'S NIGHTS DREAM; play.And once in class when they were practising the play the teacher chose hamlet to read her; one of the characters lines and when she did our heroine turned out to be an extraordinary Shakespearean actress, which made her stand out even more in school and class which is exactly the opposite of what she wanted her grade 8 year to be.

And it gets better because know her sister is helping in algebra class for the students who need extra help in that class. And the significance for the title is because it tells the reader that the main character life is a total tragedy before they even start the reading the book.At times its tragic,at times ridiculous and, in the end. totally wonderfully unexpected.

Christian perspective

Well this book wasn't written from a Christian’s perspective, but I think that the character might have had a better way to deal with the conflict then to just leave it and not talk to her parents about it, it just made the whole problem seem worse than it was. she should have just told her parents straight out from the start that she didn't break the Shakespeare project her dad was working on .The but in the end she did deal with the conflict in a godly way.

My thoughts

Well at first I thought that the book, wasn't gone be that interesting cause it included the word Shakespeare and that is one of the least things that I like. But when I started reading the book I wanted to see what will happen in the end so I couldn't stop reading it. And this book has lots of interesting things, and hamlet, the main character ;she deals with her life in a way that is hilarious and painful. But the result was interesting to see. I would probably recommend this book to, people who enjoy reading about Shakespeare's and his''interesting'' books, and who like fiction books that are about middle school and all that comes with it.

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Ement , i thought it was very well written. You made it sound intresting
