Thursday, October 27, 2011

Book Review:Nava

Title: After Ever After

Publisher:Scholastic Press

Place and year of publication:New York, 2010

I found his book at Christian Heritage School


-Story Review-

After Ever After is a book about thirteen year old Jeffrey Alper,who is a cancer survivor. He cant participate in phys.ed. because of the nerve damage in his right foot that makes him limp. So he gets to ride the bike. He is a serious bike guy so every year he bikes twenty five miles to raise money in a Bike-a-Thon for cancer survivors.

Jeffrey's older, responsible, caring, non-rebelling brother Steven has gone off to Africa for a drumming circle. He tries to keep in touch with Steven, but Steven is tired of taking responsibility after his little brother. Jeff is helping his best friend Tad, who also had cancer, prepare for a secret, surprising plan for their grade eight graduation, Jeffrey and Tad had always been seen as the cancer twins since becoming friends in grade four.

He is also very focused on this beautiful,smart, funny girl named Lindsey Abraham,popular new girl in his grade eight class, who might even like him too. It all happened in the morning of the first day of school in New Jersey, when he sees this girl crouched down gathering her stuff all over the floor, Jeff thinks she will be late for class and if he didn't help she would get walked all over by the people in the hallway. After they are done picking up the items of her book bag, she turns to the side and says thank you to him, when instantly Ka- POW! Jeff thought it was a figure of speech when someone said that beauty can hit you suddenly.

His dad is a big lover of math and numbers, he also works as an accountant but Jeff isn't doing well in math or in other classes so he makes a deal with Tad. Jeff helps prepare Tad for graduation, Tad tutors him. The signifigance of the title After Ever After is how his life is after battling his cancer.

-Christian Perspective-
As a Christian, I thought that the book was okay. I also thought that the characters in the book didn't really deal with issues or problems in a Christ-like way because if Jeffrey and his family were Christians they would pray to God for Jeffrey's cancer and his parents wouldn't be arguing that much. Another thing that wasn't very Christ-like about the characters is that they use the Lord's name as an expression

-My Thoughts-
I really liked this book because it is a non-fiction book and it is about a teen's life. This book made me feel happy, sad, excited, in suspense, and sometimes happy and sad. This book is also about how your life is affected after surviving cancer. I would recommend this book to people who like reading about the life of a teen or to people who like non-fiction.

Thanks for reading my book review people!=)


  1. Great book review Nava. It sounds really engaging and interesting to read about someone your age struggling with such big issues (cancer) while still trying to navigate through everyday life. I have a question after reading your review. Who's perspective is the book written from? The main characters? Or third person like a novel?

  2. This book is written from Jeffrey's perspective

  3. Good job Nava, I really liked this book too.
