Thursday, October 27, 2011

Elena's Book Review October 27

Title: Wendy
Author: Karen Wallace
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
When and where it was published: Great Britain in 2003
Number of pages: 287
Where you found it: In my older sisters book shelf

Story Review

Just like many other children, Wendy Darling, just can't seem to understand grownups. It's all too confusing for a nine year old to comprehend, but soon Wendy must learn to hold on to what she believes even when you get confused by what you see. One night, Wendy, and her younger brother John decide to sneak downstairs and peek through the banister. What they imagined to see, women dancing and music playing, was not close to what they saw. Wendy simply can't erase the images that she has of that night Questions flood into her mind: does my father love someone else? did my mother do something wrong? do I have another brother? Wendy and her two younger brothers Michael, and John, are dragged through a roller coaster of life changing events, and once they finally accept that their family will never have joy or laughter in it ever again, they realize that they had got it all wrong. Yes their parents had had some secrets, but they still loved their children and they still loved each other. Wendy now understands that somethings are too complicated for her to understand but the faith of a child is stronger than any measure of understanding.

Christian Perspective

I Know that this book was not written from a Christian perspective, but I do understand that what wendy goes through in this story is to much for her to handle by her self . That's why we need God in our life. Yes the world can be ugly, but we can't expect it to be perfect because we made it this way. This is not where we will be forever and if Earth was so beautiful, we wouldn't want to leave. This story also shows me that while children grow up they tend to loose that faith that they have for their parents and become more independent. Just like that child, we need to rely fully on Jesus our heavenly father, and trust that he will get us through our struggles.

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed this book and sadly all books must have an end. It was a little bit hard to get into it but once you start reading, you can't put it down. The characters become your family members and you simply forget what problems and struggles you have in your life. You become Wendy and you are far away in the busy, bustling city of London. I would recommend this book to any one ready to go through the struggles wendy has. Someone with a pocketful of imagination, Someone eager for adventure.

Elena Klippenstein

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really interesting book! I love the insight you put into the Christian perspective. Thanks for sharing a sliver of this book with us Elena!
