Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mayday at 2500


At two thousand five hundred

Author: Frank E Peretti

Publisher: Tommy Nelson

Number of pages: 132

It was published in 1997 in Canada

I found it in the school library

Mayday at 2500 is about Jay Cooper and his uncle Rex who went flying to the Cascade Mountains. When a huge jet flew over them the wind turbulence was strong it knocked Rex unconscious and Jay with a bad head injury.

Once in the story they want jay to land the plane in the water but that would mean he would have to crash in the water and only save himself but not uncle Rex.

So the titles resemblance with the book is that the title says mayday at 2500 that is when they get knocked out at 2500 above ground it is a big experience for him.

Christian perspective

My reaction to this book is since it’s a Christian book I loved it they prayed a lot in this book he might have been praying a lot like I would be praying a lot. Jay was thankful God kept him safe.

My thoughts

I thought that this was a good book because it had adventure and at every chapter you would not want to stop. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Frank E Peretti or who ever like’s a adventure with the cooper kid’s series


The setting was in an airplane and in an airport.

The characters are:

Jay, uncle Rex, Dr. Cooper, the aunt and Jay’s Sister Lilia.

The problem was that Rex got knocked out and Jay was blinded by blood from his head injury and Jay had to land blind.



  1. This is a great book. my favorite in the series is probably "island of aquarius.

  2. Sounds like a huge problem, being knocked out an injured at 2500 feet. I think, like the characters in the book, I'd be praying a lot for safety, and rescuers to hurry up and get up the mountains to save me. No wonder you liked this book, Destiny!
