Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Things Not Seen.

Title: Things Not Seen.
Author: Andrew Clements.
Publisher: Scholastics Inc.
Place/Year of Publication: New York, October 2002.
Number of Pages: 251 Pages.
Where Did I Find The Book: Christian Heritage's Library.
Story Review:
It's a Feburary morning on a Tuesday. He goes to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, he goes to wipe off the mirror. He can't see anything. So he tries again. Still nothing. Of course now he sees something, but it's what he doesn't see. ''I am invisible'' Bobby Phillips said.
This is a story about a boy named Bobby Phillips. Nobody can see him, as if he was invisible. People who see him or walk by him can't see him. That means they can just see a boy that they don't notice. To get to know more about Bobby's parents, they leave him home for a few nights alone, so they never really ''get together'' alot. Since he is home alone a lot and lives in a ''mysterious'' town, he hears noises just are just the neighbours or something outside, just like we do sometimes. In the middle of the story, Bobby meets a girl named Alicia. They got to know each other better by emailing each other all night. Bobby never went to school for a few days which turned into weeks. Who would want to go to school when nobody especially your classmates and teacher can't even notice you. Eventually, some of his school friends got to him and said it be cool to go and spy on everybody. Nobody got his problem. Nobody knew what he was going through.
The signifiance of this book has to the title (Things Not Seen) , Bobby Phillips is not seen. Nobody notices him or virbally sees him. Nobody can notice him - not even his parents or teacher can.
Christian Perspective:
In my personal opinon, this is some what of a Christian book. The author did mention God in some ways. For example, in every 3 chapter there would be a ''Oh my, God!'' or ''Thank God''. It never said anything about Bobby's family having a religion or going to church, but Bobby did pray in some parts. If this was a top Christian book, then the characters would have delt with this different in my thought. Bobby could have paryed daily for his problem to go away. He also could ahve went to youth group and learn more about God instead of staying at home all paranoid. His parents would have been a lot closer to him instead of going out a million times a week. Andrew Clements (the author) is a Christian because in the second book ''Things Hoped For'' be does mention Bible verses.
My Thoughts:
This boo is a really good book! It repeats important words just like in the Hatchet, for you's to understand it more better and that helped me in some parts. This book is interesting and it's like a mystery because you have to find out why he has that problem. I would recommend this book to a person who loes fiction and figuring out mystery.


  1. Nice book review Denika! Great description of Bobby & his family!

  2. I've read the book 'Things Hoped For' but I haven't read this one. I want to now though!! Good Job!!

  3. I'm hoping my class would be so interesting, that even if you were invisible, you'd still want to come to school. Just kidding, I'm sure it would be really tempting to stay home. Great book review Denika! I agree that if Bobby would have desired a closer relationship with Jesus, he could have done something about it instead of staying home paranoid. We can learn a lot from his mistake.

  4. Cool.this book sounds very interesting Denika

  5. i read da book it's fantastic, just like ur book review:)
