Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mr. Poppers Penguins

Book review

Title:Mr. Poppers Penguins.
Authors:Richard and Florence Atwater.
Publisher:Scholastic INC
Place and year of publication:730 Broadway, New York, first Scholastic printing, January 1994
Number of pages:138
Where you found the book: CHS library


My book that I that I am writing a review about is called Mr. Poppers Penguins. The story takes place in a small town called Stillwater. The main the characters in Mr. Poppers Penguins are Mr. and Mrs. Popper and his two children Janie and Bill. This book takes you in a big adventure and it has a lot of ups and downs.

Its hard enough for Mr. Popper to support his family, Mr. Popper is a house painter and he doesn't earn enough money on time. When Mr. Popper was Painting a housewife kitchen, he painted the kitchen two different colours, after a while everyone stared having two coloured kitchen instead of one. Mr Popper always had a dream of far counties because he had never been out Sillwater. Mr Popper had only one regret that he had never been to the Poles. Janie and Bill always wanted a pet but soon they will get the wish.

On day Mr. and Mrs. Popper got a package all the way the Antarctica from Admiral Drake. When Mr Popper and his family where opening the package they heard a little ''Ork'' . Inside the package was a little Penguin and they named the Penguin Captain Cook. One day Captain Cook got very lonely so they got another Penguin and the name her Greta soon later they had 10 little baby Penguins. Soon later Mr popper train the penguins and puts them in a theatre. When they were preforming the audience loved them so much that they gain a lot of fame and Mr. And Mrs. Popper started making five thousand a week. One day Admiral Drake came back to get the penguins because the people in the Antarctica need a pet so Mr Popper agrees to do whats best for the penguins and Mr. Popper ended up going with then to the Antarctica.

My thoughts

I think this book was really good. The reason I chose this book because I like animals and penguins. The author did a really good job writing the book. I would recommend this book to people who like animals or penguins. Personally I really like this book.

Christians Perspective

I don't think this book was made to be Christian. But Christians can easily add on to it. Like one time in this book Mr. Popper had little money and he wasted it all on the penguins. He bought the food he made them beds even though the penguins really weren't his. That the love Christians need to have.

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