Thursday, March 1, 2012

Poppy by:Destiny

Author:Avi Floca
Publisher:Harper Collins
Place and year of publication:U.S.A, 1995
Number of pages: 161
Where you found this book: in the school library
story review
The title is poppy cause the main character is a mouse named poppy. In the beginning of this book Poppy and her boyfriend Ragweed go to bannock hill and that is where Ragweed was going to ask Poppy to marry him but Mr.Ocax kills Ragweed. The main characters are: Poppy, Lungwort, sweet Cicely, Basil, Mr.Ocax, Ereth. All the mice were named after flowers and fruit. The problems in this book are that Mr.ocax wont let the mouse family move so Poppy wants to know why so she sets off to figure out why. The important events in here are basically only when Poppy tries to find out why they cant move to the new house. The theme in this story is fantasy. i love these series i want to read the whole series.
christian perspective
I don't know if the author was a christian if she was she could of made Poppy pray to God and ask why her family wasn't allowed to move. The characters in this book could mean something like Mr.Ocax cold be Satan and Poppy could be us and the new house could be heaven and Ereth could be Jesus cause Satan doesn't want us to go to heaven and we go through these stages like Poppy meets Ereth we meet Jesus and he helps us along the way.
your thoughts
i chose this book cause it was short and cause i like animals. I like this book cause it has adventure and the main character is a mouse which is an animal so I really liked it. i would recommend this book to people who like mice or my sister cause they like animals as main characters and its a short book.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting book Destiny! I absolutely love your insight into how this story is similar to the gospel, even though it may not have been written from a Christian perspective. The truth is, many books that people love, have the same type of underlying story, it's just up to us to see it and make those connections. Great job Destiny!
