Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Luke Book Review: Hunger Games

Hunger Games

Author: Suzanne Collins
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Place & year of Publication: New York, 2008
Number of Pages: 374
Where you found the Book: My Sister

Story Review

The reason that this book is called the Hunger Games is because in the book there is a contest to the death and the contest is called “The Hunger Games” The main Characters in this book are Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. This book is set in District 12 And the Capital. This book is set in the future with elements of the past. The main problem in this book is that Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark are chosen to go to the Hunger Games, and only one person can win in the Hunger Games. This book starts out in District 12, where Katniss lives. Life there is horrible for everyone, and annually, they choose two people form each of the 12 districts to go to the Hunger Games. The two people form district 12 for the 74th annual Hunger Games, are Peeta and Katniss. They go to the Capitol and stay there for a while, and eventually, the Games start. The theme in “The Hunger Games” is who has the power. In this book, everyone is controlled by the Capitol. That’s why the Capitol made the Hunger Games. To show that they can do anything to anyone, even take their children away and put them in a battle to the death.

Christian Perspective

The problem with this book is that all it’s about is killing. Because of that, it is a very violent book. This book would not be appropriate for younger readers, because of the gruesome, descriptive violence. There are a lot of times where Katniss could have prayed to God and asked him what to do. Also, that is sort of what life would be like without God, in the future.
My Thoughts

The reason that I chose this book is because almost 20 people recommended it to me. They were all telling me to read it, so I did. It is a great book! I would recommend it to anyone who is allowed to read it. One of the things that I liked about it is how intense it is. It is very gripping and entertaining. It’s so dramatic and violent. I would recommend it to anyone who is allowed to read it. It is just amazing.


  1. I REALLY liked this book. LoL i was hoping that someone was going to do a book review on it. You did a great book review Luke,Great job!!!watch the movie!!!I recommend other people to read this book. :)

