Friday, March 2, 2012


Title: Guts
Author: Gary Paulsen
Publisher: Dell Laurel Leaf
Place and year of publication: New York 2001
Number of pages: 148
Where I found the book: school library

Theme of this book: wilderness, and determination

(This is just one episode I wrote about.)

Story Review: The title of this book is Guts, it is about real events that inspired Gary Paulsen write the story Hatchet, The River, Brian’s winter and Brian’s Return. When Gary Paulsen was in Brian’s age he was devoted to hunting and fishing.At that time he lived in a small town in northern Minnesota. Every day when school let out he would made for the woods near town. On Fridays he would sometimes set up camp near the river so he could get early start for hunting and fishing.
One afternoon he saw deer trails on the edge of a swamp and heard something big jumped in the air and landed on the swamp. As in two seconds he raised his bow and drew the arrow back. With few shots the deer was dead. But the problem was transporting the dead deer it was hard because he had to drag the deer to the highway then tie him a cross the bicycle and had to push him back to town. It was midnight when he got back. And his life moved on and there were some better hunt and some worse. After that he did not think about this buck again until it was time for him to write Hatchet when the buck became part of Brian’s life as well as his.

My Thoughts: I chose this book because I wanted to read Gary Paulsen’s biography. I actually enjoyed this book because it gave a lot of information about surviving alone in wilderness and some interesting facts about animals. I recommend this book to a person who would like to learn about hunting and surviving alone in wilderness.

Christian Perspective: I don’t think this book was written in Christian perspective because Gray Paulsen did not react in Christ like way, for example, If Gary Paulsen was Christian he could have prayed for his parents being drunk all day. But we, as Christians, need to learn from his determination and courage and sometimes we need to be bold like him so we could be confident.


  1. Victoria,
    A biography! So glad you enjoyed it. Gary Paulsen is definitely one of my favorite authors. I have read all the books in the Brian series. Looks like I have one more Paulsen book to read! Thanks for the great review.
    ~Mrs. Dyck

  2. Sounds like an interesting book Victoria! I'm happy that you ended up enjoying it. I think that Gary probably loves writing about what he has experienced throughout his life. We are all experts on our own experiences and Gary's book Hatchet shows that this is true. I also like that you recognize that we, as Christians, can learn from Gary's determination and courage as we live our daily lives for Christ.
