Friday, November 11, 2011

Annie’s Spelling Word Story

Once upon a time in America, there was a chancellor named Ben. Ben was weird and seemed like he had conscience. It was noticeable but he did not care. He lived in a beige house covered in graffiti. His favourite meal was a quesadilla with teriyaki sauce, which makes me nauseous when I think about it. He enjoyed making ceramics. He owned an heirloom, but he did not know what to do with it. He had much debt and tried to put a lien on it, also hoping to sell it. What he wanted to do with it was an odyssey. The heirloom was nice and many people wanted to monopolize it. The people were a nuisance. They formed an allegiance and wanted to disentangle the situation. The people were reluctant and thought it was necessary to precede and interfere, hoping to incriminate the chancellor with no formidable defense. Ben tried to be mediocre and neutral, despite his unwieldy lifestyle. Finally, he decided that he has had enough. It was definite. He needed and army. He called the colonel. Ben asked for his accompaniment. The colonel immediately tried to recede from the invitation but his lack of discipline turned him into an accidental villain. The colonel left behind his memorabilia of miniature galleon’s. It was a beneficial phenomenon that the colonel left it behind, because he was strangely attracted to it. Not even something centrifugal could part him from it. Anyways, the colonel and chancellor met up at his house. They immediately got to work making a plan. Unfortunately the allegiance wanted the heirloom now and broke into the house. Ben and the colonel ran into the basement. They had nothing to block the door and thought that they might have to forfeit. Then, Ben had an idea. He went to the closet, opened it, and a ton of things fell out. Ben had a cache of unnecessary miscellaneous things. They took out a vacuum and stuck it under the doorknob. Now, none of this would have happened if Ben had gone to the counsel but he thought he was too vulnerable. Ever since Ben was a sophomore he had been getting in trouble, sent to counsel too many times. Anyways, Ben had a 100 year old painting that the colonel wanted to use as a barricade. It was important to him but he was courteous and gave it to the colonel to use. After the two of them had made every obstacle possible they anxiously tried to sort out this fiscal. Their connection with the government was deficient. They could not do anything so they left the basement and tried to create an allusion to lead the mob away. Ben and the colonel tried to disguise themselves so they could watch the news outside. They noticed that the parliament was in a time of distress and the mob became cynical. It distracted them from the situation with the heirloom. Now that the mob was distracted, Ben and the colonel had a chance to run. They went to different places. The colonel stayed in hiding and Ben decided to emigrate to Australia.
The End


  1. Great story Annie. You included a ton of spelling words while still writing a story that made sense and was thoroughly engaging. Great job!

  2.,ur profile pic
