Monday, November 14, 2011

All for the Cause of Caffeine

Once upon a time there lived an old American colonel. Now you see,this colonel was very, "attracted" shall we say, to caffeine. Every morning at breakfast he felt very possessive of his coffee mug. And his wife said that he simply had no discipline when it came to obsessions. Any way the old colonel decided that he would go to parliament. The only obstacle was that there was no coffee allowed in the building. He did not want to interfere with the fiscal law, but he must have his coffee with him at all times, he was, after all the colonel. He anxiously sat in waiting room. Many members of the council looked at him a second longer than necessary, but he considered it a complement. He knew it was unnecessary to to feel nervous, however he did feel slightly nauseous. Finally the door to the Prime minister's office opened and out walked the Prime minister himself. "Sir" said the colonel, "it is a privilege to see you". " As of you Colonel Jack. And what brings you here on such a fine Monday morning?" " Well said the colonel, actually I would like to inaugurate the first coffee store in America." " Really" said the Prime minister, " I wonder why?"


1 comment:

  1. Great job Elena! I really enjoyed reading your story!
