Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Name's Not Susie

Title: My Names Not Susie
Author: Sharon Jean Hamilton
Publisher: Boynton/Cook Publishers and Heinemann
Date of Publication: September. 18th, 1995
Number of Pages: 151
Where I found the book: Brandon Library

Story Review:
The significant the title has to the book ("My Names's Not Susie"), is when Karen's biolocal parents dropped her off at the orphanage. The caregivers had no idea what to name her. So they decided Susie. When Karen would get adopted, the families would call her Susie because that's what they thought her name was. And also, when Karen wanted to go out and look for her biolocal parents, the caregivers would stop her make Karen call them "mommy".

This story is about a girl named Karen. She has been in eighteen different orphanges. She got put in so many because she got rejected by her parents. A lot of families had conifirmed to keep her, but they realized she wasn't the right one. Karen's disobedience has led her the wrong path in life. Being uneducated was the worst for someone that wanted to go to school like the other kids and make friends. Instead of going to school, she got abused at strangers houses. They made her do stuff that made her feel uncomfortable and frightend her. Every Sunday she went to church with the orphanage. But once she hit 18, she stopped. She got a job and moved out with her boyfriend. He was a horrible influence towards her. He was the one that stopped her from going to church. He also got her in the habit of stealing; little as a chocolate, to alcohol. He also made her lie to the caregivers where she was, and what she was doing. Even though she was out of the orphanage, they still had to keep in touch with Karen. For the days Karen had gone ot church, she remembered the 10 Commandments and had just realized, she had been doing most of them. Karen moved to England and went to university to get a PhD in nursing. "My life couldn't get better" Karen Jean Hamiliton said.

Christian Perspective:
In my thoughts, this was a Christian book. Growing up, Karen did go to church and learn about God. But once she hit 18 things started changing. It said she regretted all the things she did when she turned away from God. When she diid turn away from God, it never ment she couldn't pray about the dicisions she was making. Karen Jean Hamiliton (author and main character)  is a Christian. In some of her other books, she talks about God a lot more.

My Thoughts:
I really liked this book because of all the details and how the it was written. It also put a date and year on the top of each paragraph to help the readers understand what she went through day by day. The book also had an amazing quote in each chapter of what Karen said after she went through that. I think Karen was a very strong girl by taking the risks and decisions she had made. I recommend this book to someone who loves reading biographies. I picked this book because i haven't done a biography yet and it's something I don't usually pick up and read everyday.


  1. Hmmmmmm. Interesting. DENIKA: WHY U NO MAKE MORE BOOK REVIEWS?!

  2. I really enjoyed your book review Denika. I'm wondering what changed Karen's life? At what point did she decide to go back to the faith? Maybe I'll have to read the book. Reading about other peoples experiences is a great learning tool. God gives us each other to learn from and we can gain so much wisdom in our own lives from the experiences of others.
