Thursday, April 26, 2012


C.S Lewis The storyteller
Author: Derick Bingham
Publisher: Omnia Glasgow
Place and year of publication: Christian Focus Publications Ltd
Number of pages: 171
Where I found the book: the school library

Story review
The title is the storyteller because C.S Lewis because he wrote many books like the Narnia series. It takes place in many places it takes place in England and Germany. The main characters are C.S Lewis (aka Jack) and his brother warren. There isn't really a problem well I guess he is in the army and he has been moved around alot cause of his school. There are many themes in this book but the main theme is about his life. This book is a great book.
Christian perspective
C.S Lewis was a Christian when he was younger but when he grew up he started thinking that there was no God but then when he got a letter from his brother he started believing in God again. I think that he should have had
God in his life all the time. In this book there is war and all that but he came back alive there is also a time period when he sends his dad a whole bunch of letters to come ans see him but his dad never came. He could have prayed that his dad would come or that he would be safe during the war.
Your thoughts
I chose this book because I had to do a biography although I don't like biographies my opinion of this book is that it is a good book. I liked this book because I like C.S Lewis's books that he writes like the NARNIA series he put something really cool in this book I will put it at the end of my book report. I would recommend this book to people that like biographies cause they might like biographies

1 comment:

  1. C.S. Lewis is also one of my favourite authors. I love the Narnia and have read through it a number of times. I also like many of his books on Christianity, like Screwtape Letters. He is a fabulous storyteller and his stories have many parallels to the gospel. I'd be interested to reading about his life story and what shaped him to write the way he does.
