Monday, May 28, 2012

Each Little Bird That Sings

Each Little Bird That Sings
Title:  Each Little Bird That Sings
Author:  Deborah Wiles
Publisher:  Scholastic Inc.
Place and year of publication:  New York, September, 2006
Number of pages: 247
Where I found this book: School’s Library

In the town of Snap finger, Mississippi, there is a funeral home called Snowberger’s funeral. This story is about Comfort, the 2nd youngest member of the snowberger family. She has seen death more than two hundred times, to the point that she became used to it.

Everybody was shocked after Comfort’s great-great- aunt Florentine death. So they started to prepare for her funeral.  Suddenly, her best friend Declaration turned super mean. She made fun of Comfort with her new  friends; Tiffany and Kristen. A fuming fight forms between Declaration and Comfort when Comfort’s mom asks Declaration to babysit Peach. As most of you don’t know Peach is Comfort’s cousin and she would do anything be away from him, in other words she hates him.

When the funeral day came, Declaration, Comfort, and Peach walked to the cemetery. Then, Declaration purposely scared peach and he ran towards the Creek. Comfort and Dismay ran after Peach to get him back. He fell into the creek and while she was saving him she lost her balance and fell into the creek. They were drowning. Comfort sacrificed her dog( who she loves the most) to save her cousin who she hates. Finally her dad comes and saves them. What happens to Comfort and Declaration’s friendship? Does Comfort start to appreciate her cousin Peach?

I think the author named this book “Each Little Bird That Sings” because a death is like a storm in anybody’s life, and you have to learn that just like every storm it will pass. After each storm every little bird sings. The theme of this book is mainly about death and how to handle it.

Christian Perspective:
I think this book is written in Christian perspective. The reason I think this because they have dealt with problems in a Godly way. God says to love your enemies. Comfort did exactly the same. She sacrificed her dog for a person she doesn’t like that much. One thing I think Comfort should have done was to forgive Declaration because God says we should forgive others because God forgive us for all the bad things we have done.

My Thoughts:
I really loved this book. It was depressing sometimes but it also had really good morals in it. One of the things I loved what Comfort’s uncle said “we live to serve.” This is really important to me because it tells me that it is our job to serve God and we can do it however we like; for example sports, art, music, acting, etc.  Another thing I loved about this book was how Comfort hated Peach but after the fight at the cemetery they were becoming good friends. She started to appreciate him and his differences. I chose to read this book because I have heard about this book and people told me that it’s a good book. If I could recommend this book to somebody, I would recommend it to a person who likes reading realistic fiction books. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job Mansi! From your review it seems as if the story is pretty realistic, however I sure find the names in this book interesting.
