Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Julia's Book Review

Title: Life without limits
Author: Nick Vujicic
Publisher: A division of Random House
Place & year of publication: At home
Number of pages: 229
Where you found the book: At home

Story review
Born without arms or legs, Nick felt lonely, worthless, depressed, and resentful to God. The title of this book “Life without limits” represents that even though you seem to be worthless; you can still make changes in other people’s lives and give them hope.

Nick was born on December 4, 1982 and everyone was expecting Nick to be a healthy fine baby. Nick was his parents’ first born child, so his mother was very careful with him, but when Nick was born, everyone was shocked, disappointed, and could not except the truth. Instead of celebrating his birth, everyone was sad, in tears and thinking if God is a God of love, why would He let this happen.

Nick wasn’t depressed until the age of 8, when he realized he wasn’t “normal”. His parents kept encouraging him that God has a plan for him one day, and God didn’t make a mistake on him, but he was hopeless whenever anyone made fun of him. Nick believed that God could do miracles, and he had seen lots of miracles, but he didn’t understand why God wouldn’t perform miracles on him. Many nights, Nick would pray to God to give him at least one arm. He would go to sleep crying and dreaming that the next day God would show him a miracle. But it never happened.

It was when Nick was 15 years old, when he started to ask God for his guidance and his direction. One day he went to a church in California, and as he entered in his wheelchair, someone was calling him. He didn’t recognize the voice, but when he turned around he saw a young man holding a baby. When Nick came closer, he saw a shining brown hair and a big gap-toothed baby smiling. That baby was just like Nick. He had no arms or legs and had a little foot on his left just like Nick. Just by looking at the baby, Nick was amazed.

Nick realized that God didn’t do miracles on Nick, so that he can be a miracle to others and give them hope. God’s plan for Nick wasn’t to harm him; it was so that he could encourage others who are like Nick and to show that God has a plan for everyone. Nick realized that his career was to be a missionary by traveling around the world to encourage others and to make difference in other people’s lives.

Christian perspective

In my opinion, this book definitely reflects Christianity. This book talks about that even though you have struggles in your lives; God will help you and will not forsake you. It also talks about that God has a purpose for everyone and has bigger plans than we think, even though we might not understand at first. Even though Nick didn’t have arms or legs, he started to thank God for what he had already had, and not being angry for what he didn’t have. At first, Nick didn’t understand why he was on earth, but God showed him by step by step and kept him safe, because God knew that Nick could handle it.

Your thoughts

I enjoyed this book very much, because it taught you a lot. It gave stories, examples, and other great life lessons that I learned. It made me think about my life, and how I should be thankful for the things that I already have. It also made me think about God, how He has plans in my life and He only gives me what I can handle. I chose this book, because I love autobiography, and reading other people’s lives to see what experience they had. I would recommend this to anyone who feels like they’re worthless; want to give up their life, because there are greater plans in the future!

1 comment:

  1. What an encouraging message! Isn't it interesting that God often works through the most difficult circumstances in life? And isn't it also interesting that as believers, we are often extremely afraid that some "bad thing" will come along in our lives? I think our perspective of what is good and what is bad needs adjustment. God is good, all the time; so whatever happens in our lives, whether we think it is good or bad, does not matter. He can use ALL THINGS FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE HIM (Romans 8:28) Thanks Julia for sharing how Nick's life inspired you!
